• Post author:Dr. Mary Kate Feit
  • Post category:Movement

In the words of Roy Englert, a 99 year old man who competed in the National Senior Games, “keep moving, keep moving, keep moving.” 

As we age, muscle mass, bone density, and overall health decreases. However, maintaining and/or adding movement into your daily routine can help to avoid these decreases. Numerous activities count as movement. The key is that you pick a type of exercise that you enjoy and will do on a regular basis. Below are some examples.

Resistance Training

Resistance training
Resistance training can be incredibly beneficial for health and wellness

Resistance training can be incredibly beneficial when done in various ways such as using just your body weight, machines, or free weights such as dumbbells and barbells. Focus on exercises that you know how to do properly. If you aren’t familiar with resistance training, find a personal trainer or group training facility in your area!

Cardio Based Activities

cardio exercise for health
Cardio based exercise can be done by almost anyone with any experience level

Walking, running, hiking, and biking are great examples of movement that can be done by almost anyone with any experience level. The best part, these are usually done outdoors. New to this time of movement. No problem. Add about 10% to your time or distance each week. This means that if you walk for 20 minutes on week 1, go ahead and walk for 22 minutes on week 2. Little changes over time lead to big changes.


Beneficial stretching for recovery after exercise
Stretching and other restorative movement helps your body recover on days between harder exercise days

Resistance training and cardio based activities are great, but so is rest. Using movement on your rest days is incredibly helpful for recovery. Yoga, pilates, foam rolling, and stretching are all great ways to help your body recover on days between harder exercise days. Discomfort is ok but you should never be in pain when recovery is your focus.

Do you like doing some type of movement not listed here? No problem! Again, all movement is good movement. The key is to pick something that you enjoy and will stick with over time!